You know, it's funny...I never thought, even for a moment, that I would become a vegan. I still do not, but I am, right now, closer than I have ever been in my life to becoming one. If you are reading this, then you are probably thinking two things right now: 1) What could possibly make me, an overweight confirmed meat-eater who loves his bacon in the morning, and thinks his black leather jacket looks cool ever want to give this up? 2) Why the hell am I posting this on a "liberal" blog, and not on my Random Thoughts blog?
Here is why:

This is a picture of female breeding pigs. This is how they live their lives, every day (pretty much). Now, I don't have a problem with the use of animals for clothing and food, because they are a part of our natural diet by now. It is healthy for us, and there is nothing wrong with animals dieing to feed other animals. That is part of the food chain.
I will not go into how I think we do it too much and how this overbalances the food chain today, because I am ill equipped to make that argument, and it is not my main attack here...I will let Fool on the Hill address that, and I even invite it...I would very much love to see something like that.
So, add that picture to the fact that I, long ago, read Fast Food Nation, and that just tonight, for the first time, I watched Supersize Me, and you have a good picture. However, once more, I am not arguing about our diet, though I think it is horrible (don't worry, don't feel offended...I'm leveling that accusation at myself, too). What has me pissed off is how we humans think that we somehow have the RIGHT to do this to our neighbors on this world, like we have some sort of MANDATE!
Would it be considered appropriate for humans to pen up female humans like this while they are producing babies?! Why the hell do pigs not get any form of respect that we feel should go to all including the lowliest of the humans on this planet?! Where the hell is the sense in that!?
We have no right. We are the mightiest creatures on the planet, and it is not from our forms, for we are quite weak in that. It is our technology that gives us the command of nature. We have Mother Nature in chains, rotting in the dungeons of our coal plants, insulting her by raping her lands of the golds and diamonds, which tear up hundreds of tons for very little yield, destroying acres so your fingers and ears can be decorated by a shiny rock. When she licks her wounds and fights our cancerous growth by throwing some of the fiercest weather systems at us that we have seen, we stand up and say that Mother Nature will never win. When some of the worst news possible happens, that polar ice caps are melting, nations do not stop to think about what will reverse, they fight over who gets control over the newly formed waterways.
Maybe it is time that the human race die. But I am not ready to see that day come. I want, very badly, for our race to, finally, grow up and learn to live with all of the land in peace. I want for us to take back the power from those who would lie to us, tell us that they have ours and mother nature's best interests at heart, while poisoning both us and her for a greater profit. We are sick. We are sick from our own disease, of our own making. When will the madness end?